Monday, January 5, 2015

MPC's Walter Tribley to talk about community college challenges

Monterey Peninsula College President Walt Tribley will talk about the community college mission and the significant changes that are changing the way colleges operate.

In the last decade, higher education has faced severe funding cuts and the implementation of very prescriptive policies controlling how higher education (colleges and students) will be funded. From limits on the amount of federal financial aid a student receives to the so-called national completion agenda, this presentation will highlight the challenges and opportunities for community colleges and the students and communities they serve.

This is around the time college administrators also present their budgets, so chances are Tribley will also address the college financials. It should be a presentation worth attending.

The presentation will take place at 1:30 p.m. on Jan 21., at the Lecture Forum #103 of the main campus, 980 Fremont St., Monterey.

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