E-x-c-r-u-c-i-a-t-i-n-g was but one of the many spelling hurdles jumped by the 52 finalists in the Lyceum of Monterey County’s Spelling Bee. The 27th anniversary of the event was held at San Benancio Middle School last Saturday morning. The auditorium was packed with parents, grand-parents and proud teachers who came to watch and support the 4th and 5th Grade participants from twenty-seven Monterey County elementary schools -- I wasn't there, but Tom Nelson, interim executive director of the Lyceum was and sent this report, along with photos.
Placing first was Jason Hoech of Mission Park School in Salinas (wearing red). Second place went to Joseph Johnson of All Saints Day School in Carmel Valley (next to Jason). Third and fourth place finishers were Ilhara Gray of Tularcitos Elementary in Carmel Valley (next to Joseph) and Aidan Van Der Bijl of Carmel River School (last but not least).
The treacherous list of challenging words provided a formidable, pandemonic, yet asymmetric spelling campaign, thus immortalizing these gregarious connoisseurs of the written word in our record books. (Italicized words spelled in the contest). Yes, it’s an awkward sentence!
To see more photos of the event visit www.lyceum.org
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