Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Salinas City Councilman José Castañeda speaks up

José Castañeda replied to my requests for comment on a story I wrote in today's paper about Juan Sandoval's efforts to recall him, but his reply didn't come in time to have more of it included in the paper, so I decided to post it in its entirety on my blog. 

Here it is. Enjoy!

I am continuing to remain focused on the main issues that plague our city such as reducing gang violence, assisting our vulnerable homeless population in getting much needed services, and working towards increasing jobs in our community by bringing in much needed support for small businesses.

The average voter should know that much of the action taken against me derives from the old status quo Latino guard of political factions within Salinas.

I commend Mr. Sandoval in his valiant efforts to become involved in the politics of our community. Maybe that energy and commitment would better serve our city if he focused on helping the masses rather than spend all of his time trying to take one of his own down.

We could really use his energy and expertise to help us reduce youth gang violence and
with the Juvenile Hall Project. The Alisal population is paying outrageous ALCO water bills for water that is eroding homeowners and renters pipes as well as water faucets,maybe Mr. Sandoval can help campaign for better services within our East Salinas Community. I would be happy to work with Mr. Sandoval in these efforts.

I pledge to continue to be an outspoken advocate, to challenge the status quo, and to continue asking the difficult questions that will create the change we need to move our\ community forward.

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